“Le Monde sans fin”: an exhibition on the ecological transition

10 April to 10 May

Le Monde sans fin (World Without End) is an original and eco-designed exhibition constituting a visual variation of the comic strip Le Monde sans fin by Jean-Marc Jancovici and Christophe Blain. The exhibition offers a selection of content and works illustrating and questioning the major issues linked to the environmental crisis. Le Monde sans fin by Jean-Marc Jancovici and Christophe Blain is the first best-selling book in France with more than 800,000 copies sold in 2022 and translations into many languages.

The exhibition, adapted from this album, illustrates the meeting and dialogue between its two authors on the subjects of energy and climate: uses throughout history, the rise of fossil fuels, the impact of humanity on its environment and, in particular, on the climate. Non-carbon energies, food, transport, urban planning, the exhibition also addresses possible solutions.


Content of the exhibition:

Introduction – Le Monde sans fin

Thème 1 : L’énergie a façonné notre monde actuel

Thème 2 : Le Climat : qu’est ce qui va arriver ?

Thème 3 : Notre alimentation a un impact

Thème 4 : Sans avion, sans voiture, on va se déplacer comment ?



Two stallholders related to recycling and ecology will be present on the occasion of the exhibition Le Monde sans fin:

Needle Bow: is a sustainable brand of tailor-made accessories and clothing. Séverine will be present on Saturday 13 and 27 April, from 10:30am. to 6:30pm.

La Belle Adventure: Bookshop dedicated to European comics translated in English and original French. Anabelle and Benoit will be present on Wednesday 10 and 17 April from 2pm to 6pm, with a copy of Le Monde sans fin for consultation on site.

Read the review of the exhibition by Joe Gordon!


The meeting between a major comic book author (Christophe Blain) and an eminent specialist in energy issues and the impact on the climate (Jean-Marc Jancovici) led to this project, as an obvious necessity, a need to testify on subjects that concern us all. Intelligent, lucid, not devoid of humor, "Le Monde sans fin" (World Without End) explains in the form of chapters the profound changes that our planet is currently experiencing and what consequences, already observed, these sometimes radical changes mean. This enlightened testimony proves to be valuable, fascinating and invites reflection on sometimes divisive subjects, notably that of the energy transition: a 120-page book essential for better understanding our world, quite simply!


Christophe Blain – Author – Screenplay – Drawing – Colors

Christophe Blain has been honoured twice with the prestigious prize for best album at the Angoulême Festival. The first award was awarded to him in 2002 for the first volume of “Isaac the Pirate”, while the second followed in 2013 for volume 2 of “Quai d’Orsay”. His work “Quai d’Orsay, diplomatic chronicles” (Dargaud) immerses the reader in the experiences of Abel Lanzac within the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the era of Dominique de Villepin.

Jean-Marc Jancovici – Screenplay

Jean-Marc Jancovici, co-founding partner of Carbone 4, a consulting company specializing in these issues, he also chairs the think tank The Shift Project. He is also a teacher at Mines ParisTech, a member of the High Council for the Climate and a speaker. He has written and co-written several works, including “The Climate Future, What Weather Will We Do?” » (Points), “Sleep peacefully until 2100” (Odile Jacob), and “It’s now! 3 years to save the world” (Threshold). 

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