In the Company of Women

Fri 06 Oct

Summer of 1976. Bea (Alicia Falcó) is 16 years old and she she joins a group of women to bring visibility to the feminist cause, and fight for the right to abortion. Throughout these months, Bea will develop a very special friendship with Miren, a girl a little older than her and from a wealthy family. This newfound rebellion she feels in her blood will mix with another unexpected feeling, making this summer a turning point in her life.

The screening will be preceded by an introduction by Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles.

Pre-Francoist feminist writers and artists were erased from public memory by the Spanish Civil War and the decades of dictatorship that followed. Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles’s research brought to public attention the lives and works of these women and contributed to the revival and public recognition of Spain’s pre-Francoist feminist legacy. She is now recognised as a preeminent influence in the understanding of the history of Spanish feminism by leading contemporary cultural and political figures

Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles has published extensively in the fields of Gender Studies and Hispanism on both sides of the Atlantic. Her books, Autoras inciertas (2008), He de tener libertad (2010) and Artistas y precursoras (2013) have all won awards from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Dirección General del Libro y Bibliotecas).

Her most recent books are El regreso de las modernas (2018), and the much-awaited critical anthologies Corcel de fuego (2020) ( Corcel de fuego - Lucía Sánchez Saornil - Ediciones Torremozas), Colofón de luz (2022) (Colofón de luz - Nuria Parés and Cartas a mí misma (2022) (Cartas a mí misma - Carmen Castellote.

In cultural partnership with the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival.
