French language teacher training


The Institut français d’Ecosse offers online courses to support French language teachers in primary schools across Scotland.


All 4 sessions planned this term will be online, on Thursdays from 4pm to 5.30pm.

The first session will be on February 27th, Thursday on the theme of “Francophonie”.


The objectives of the training is to help you top up your French and/or boost your confidence with language, pronunciation tips and culture around the theme of Francophonie.

  • How? Through taylor-made practical classroom activities around listening, talking, reading and writing skills.
  • Whom for? French-language primary schools’ teachers, with different levels of French; all language levels split in two ability groups (self-assessed, beginner to intermediate/advanced).


Two groups run parallel : one for primary school teachers and one for secondary schools’ teachers.

A minimum of 5 registrations is required to consider opening these free training sessions.

Participation is subject to registration. So if you want to join this session, please send an email with the information below to: Charlotte Hyvernaud, Education attachée, Institut français d’Ecosse :  Please give you surname/first name/position/school name and address/level of French/level taught (P1, P2, P3, etc.)


The next sessions will be on March the 20th on the theme of Easter; April the 24th on the theme of seasons; May the 15th on the theme of holidays.

Registration contact : see above
