Fiona Monbet Jazz Quartet: Maelström

Wed 23 April at 6pm

Fiona Monbet, conductor, violinist & composer  

Jazz quartet  


Fiona Monbet is a phenomenal violinist with a huge expressive range. With her new album “Maelström”, she develops a strength that bursts forth in certain solos, moments that would not be out of place on a rock or pop record. 

“Maelström” is precisely what you can feel when you listen to this album, a whirlwind of sound, alternately strong and tender, where the finely tuned notes prove, if there was any doubt, that Fiona Monbet is not only a true performer, but also a magnificent composer. Lightness and freshness dominate Fiona Monbet’s compositions and interpretations, enveloping us in a pleasant nostalgia, and ultimately lulling us into what life is all about, this great sensory and jubilant maelstrom where our feelings and passions intersect, separate and reconcile. 


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