Bruno Clément is Professor Emeritus of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Paris 8. He first made a name for himself as a specialist in Samuel Beckett, on whose work he has published several books (L'Œuvre sans qualités, Le Seuil, 1994; Beckett, PUV, 2018; with François Noudelmann, Samuel Beckett, ADPF, 2006). For many years, his work has focused on reading and commentary (L'invention du commentaire, PUF, 1999; Le lecteur et son modèle, PUF, 1998); and more generally on the writing of philosophy (Le récit de la méthode, Le Seuil, 2005; La voix verticale, Belin, 2012). His latest book in translation (by A. Uhlmann) is on Henri Bergson: Bergson as Writer - Literature in philosophy, Edinburgh University Press, 2024.