Language Trends Scotland – Launch event

Mon 3 Feb at 12pm

British council Scotland invites you to the inaugural launch of Language Trends Scotland!

Language Trends Scotland is an in-depth survey for all primary and secondary schools across the country. The research provides an independent overview of the learning and teaching of modern languages in Scotland. The Language Trends series highlights general shifts in data and seeks to provide a springboard for teachers, school leaders, academics, inspectors, policymakers, school pupils, and the public to consider aspects of language learning more deeply.

We were delighted that many primary, secondary and independent schools across Scotland participated in the survey and look forward to sharing the results.

Language Trends Scotland joins a suite of language trends research conducted across the UK offering unique insights into the evolution of language education across the UK. Find out more about the British Council’s Language Trends research.

This event is organized as part of Languages Week Scotland.
