Concerts Royaux, Premier Concert : Menuet en Trio, François Couperin, 1714
Baroque Dance performed by Autrefois
Trois Chansons : Airs Sérieux, by François Couperin, 1711:
• Qu’on ne me dise plus que c’est la seule absence
• Doux liens de mon Coeur
• Zephire, modère en ces lieux
Concerts Royaux, Quatrième Concert, François Couperin (1714):
• Prélude
• Allemande
• Courante Françoise
• Courante l’Italiene
• Sarabande
• Rigaudon
• Forlane
Baroque Dance performed by Autrefois :
• L’Allemande, by Lully, choreography by Pécour, 1702
• La Bocanes, by Cordier, choreography attrib Bocane, end 17th c
• Sarabande à deux, from Tancrède, by Campra, choreography by Pécour, 1704
• La Lorraine – Rigaudon, choreography by Balon, 1719
• Muszette à deux – from Callirhoé by Destouches; choreography by Pécour, 1713
• La Triomphante – Forlane by Campra; choreography by Feuïllet, 1705
Trois Chansons, by Maurice Ravel, 1914 :
• Trois beaux oiseaux du paradis
• Nicolette
• Ronde
Le Tombeau de Couperin, Maurice Ravel
• Prélude (à la mémoire du Lieutenant Jacques Charlot, d 1915)
• Fugue (à la mémoire du Sous-Lieutenant Jean Cruppi, d 3 March 1915)
• Forlane (à la mémoire du Lieutenant Gabriel Deluc, d 15 September 1916)
• Rigaudon (à la mémoire de Pierre et Pascal Gaudin, d 12 November 1914)
• Menuet (à la mémoire de Jean Dreyfus, d 1917)
• Toccata (à la mémoire du Capitaine Joseph de Marliave, d 24 August 1914)
Reese Carly Manglicmot is a versatile musical artist, operating primarily as a composer and performer. A winner of the BBC Young Composer Competition 2023 and a two-time finalist in the NCEM Young Composers Award, she has performed and self-premièred in Lithuania, Romania and across the UK, and was commended in the inaugural Raymond Ali Liszt Competition at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. She plays not only as a solo and collaborative pianist, but also as a keyboard continuo (harpsichord) player. Her performances frequently involve elements such as free improvisation, daring new music and poetry recitations amongst familiar repertoire. Reese is passionate about raising awareness for good causes and providing access to high-quality artistic experiences. She has performed for Glasgow-based fundraising endeavours in the Burrell Collection (for Kickstart Opera CIC) and the Ogilvie Centre at St. Aloysius’ Church for their ESOL program for refugees and asylum seekers. Reese currently studies BMus Piano and Composition as a Joint Principal Study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, for which she receives a scholarship from the RCS Trust.