Exam preparation private courses for DELF-DALF or eTEF

If you want to get ready for a DELF-DALF exam or eTEF test, you can get private classes with our exam-qualified team.

We operate as the official exam centre for international French language diploma DELF-DALF and eTEF.

DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française) are the official diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education.

eTEF provides you with credentials on your French language proficiency and your professional and immigration benefits, especially for France, Canada and Québec.

For any information about exam preparation private classes, please contact us: Contact us

You don’t need to register to any exam to get exams prepartion private classes.

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